Collection catalogues

See all the online and paper catalogues of our collections.

Catalogues of the music collection

Ancient music collection of Carpentras

Carpentras - Inguimbertine library (a French-language catalogue of manuscript and printed musical documents), Arcade Agence des arts du spectacle Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, 2012. This catalogue has very detailed entries but is not exhaustive.
We therefore advise you to also consult: 

The manuscripts and archives database

The heritage database

Catalogues of the manuscripts


French-language general catalogue of manuscripts in French public libraries:

Volume 34: Ms no. 1-1720

Volume 35: Ms no. 1721-1830

Volume 36 : Ms 1831-2154

Departments — Volumes XXXIV-XXXVI, by Duhamel, Liabastres and L. H. Labande. 1901-1903. (Ms no. 1-2154)

French-language general catalogue of manuscripts in French public libraries 

Carpentras, supplement vol. LVIII, Paris,‎ 1971, p. 43-112. (Ms 2155-2641)   

French-language descriptive and well-founded catalogue of manuscripts in the Carpentras library

Click here to see
LAMBERT (C.-G.-A.), vol. I à III. Carpentras, 1863, 3 vol. (currently Ms no. 1-1885; uses the old system)

French-language second supplement to the general catalogue of manuscripts

Henri Dubled, in issue 115 of the magazine Rencontres, 1977 (Ms no. 2642-2770)


Catalogues of ancient printed works

The online catalogues

Printed books in the French heritage collection can be consulted using the search bar and via the CcFr heritage collection database (Catalogue collectif de France).
Please note however that this database is not updated as frequently. 

Note: The catalogue documents printed books and booklets, maps and diagrams, a significant proportion of the printed and etched musical scores, as well as, as far as can be currently processed, the collections of periodicals and some iconographic documents: posters, ephemera, illustrations, etc. The Inguimbertine also houses a significant collection of prints, drawings, and photographs that are still being listed in the museum database. The time frame for publication of this information online remains to be seen. 

The paper catalogue

Bibliothecae Domini Malachiae d'Inguimbert, archiepiscopi, episcopi Carpentoracti catalogus

Manuscript catalogue of d’Inguimbert’s collection, produced in the 18th century


Catalogue of the local collection

The catalogue of the modern local collection and the study collection

The monographs and collections of periodicals acquired over recent decades relating to Carpentras, the Comtat Venaissin, the Ventoux area, and sometimes the entire Vaucluse region, make up the modern local collection. 
The documents are recorded in the heritage catalogue.

Some copies can be borrowed from the library. A study collection, composed of works from 1914 to the present day with a focus on the human sciences, literature, or otherwise relating to the Inguimbertine’s collections, is also available under the same conditions.