Archives from the city and hospital

The Inguimbertine library museum managed the old (1213 to 1789) and new (1789 to 1940) archives of the City of Carpentras, as well as the old and new archives of the hospital. The search tools and digital documents available to you are described below.

City archives

  • An inventory of the old city archives is available as a paper registry.
  • An inventory of the new city archives can be downloaded here (pdf - 1.33 MB).
  • Church records (baptisms, marriages, burials) under the Ancien Régime of the French monarchy, as well as civil status records (until 1912, and 1932 for the table décennale ten-year records), can be consulted online on the website for the archives of the Vaucluse department.

Consult the church records (French)

Consult the Vaucluse department archives (French)

  • The georeferenced land registry from the Napoleonic era can be consulted online on the website for the archives of the Vaucluse department.

Consult the Napoleonic land registry


Hospital archives

Inventories are available as paper registries.
To request access to the paper registries, please use the contact form below. 

Request access to a registry

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