Borrowing documents

The Inguimbertine library museum is available to all, making sure that everybody has equal access to knowledge, culture, information and leisure.

It offers free and open access to an attractive range of books and newspapers, CDs, DVDs, and multimedia resources, covering all topics related to knowledge and creation.

Don’t forget too that the staff are here to help, answer your questions, and set you on the right track for your research. Everyone is welcome here, so come back again and again to your heart’s content!

Joigning the library

To join the library, please go to reception with :

  • A form of ID (government-issued ID card, passport, driving licence, visa/resident card)
  • Proof of address (no more than 3 months old)

Library cards are issued to one specific person, are non-transferable, and are valid for 1 year.
Children can only join if they are accompanied by a responsible adult and have their parents’ signed consent.

Your library card

You can borrow 34 documents, including 10 books/comics, 10 periodicals, 10 CDs/scores/vinyls, and 4 DVDs. 

This applies to all libraries in the CoVe network and lasts for 3 weeks. You can also reserve 5 documents, including a new arrival.
Membership gives you access to a personal account on the library website where you can:

  • reserve documents
  • renew your loans
  • write reviews on your favourite document
  • browse and listen to a large range of music, reviews and training programmes online
  • enjoy an online video library on the Vivre Connectés platform.

You do not need to be a member to consult documents, use the photocopiers and access the internet in the library itself.

The CoVe network of libraries

A single library card allows you to borrow documents from the library of your choice.
This card helps to keep documents flowing between libraries. You can either go yourself to any library of your choice, or ask for your loan to be sent and then return it to the library that’s most convenient for you. Note: CDs and periodicals cannot be sent to different libraries.

Click here to go to the website of the CoVe library network

The network covers Aubignan, le Barroux, Beaumes-de-Venise, Bédoin, Caromb, Crillon-le-Brave, Gigondas, Loriol-du-Comtat, Malaucène, Saint-Pierre-de-Vassols, Mazan, Modène, La-Roque-sur-Pernes, Sarrians, Vacqueyras, and Venasque.

Access online :


Our fees

For the library card :

  • Free for people from Carpentras;
  • Free for people with the Carpentras ‘carte jeunes’ youth card ;
  • Free for people under 25 in the CoVe region;
  • Free for students and apprentices;
  • Free for people on social welfare;
  •  €10 per family* living in the CoVe region (including people with second homes: property
            tax/council tax).
  • €30 per family* living outside the CoVe region;
  • €10 for tourists
  • €2 to replace a lost card
    *The term “family” here refers to people living in the same home, i.e., a household.

Photocopiers :

  • Scans: free
  • A4 colour/black&white photocopies : €0.20 per page
  • A3 colour/black&white photocopies : €0.40 per page

Cash and card are accepted.